How To Travel Safely With Pets Over The Holidays
The festive season is a month or two away, but before you know it, the time will arrive to hit the road and make your way to a holiday destination. For many folks, this also means packing up their pets and their belongings, so they can join in the fun at the other end of the car journey. However, this does call for some careful planning to make it work for your pets and yourself.
Here are five important things to bear in mind when road-tripping with your pets throughout South Africa:
1. Keep Your Pets Restrained
While none of us really like the notion of keeping our pets restrained, it’s imperative for their own safety (and yours) that you do so when you travel long distances by car. Conventional seatbelts don’t work for their frames, so it’s best to have a chat with your vet about restraint options that will suit your pet the best. Some of the options available on the market include pet booster seats, ziplines with car harnesses, car travel crates, boot guards, and belt clip-back harnesses.
2. Tire Them Out Before You Head Out
Indulge in a good long play session before you get in the car with your pet. Take them for a long walk or run, or simply spend an hour engaging with them one on one, playing their favourite games. If they are quite tired when you get in the car, they are likely to sleep for quite a while and have an easier trip.
3. Stop Frequently
Pets are not used to travelling long distances, so it can be tricky to gauge how often they need to relieve themselves. A good rule of thumb is to stop every 90 minutes so everyone can get out, stretch their legs, and do any business that needs doing. Remember to take along a poop scoop and baggies so you can clean up after your pet.
4. Stay Hydrated
Remember to pack a water bowl and a large container of water from home. Some pets may not like the taste of water you can get from taps at filling stations or may have adverse tummy reactions to water that differs from what they get at home (not ideal in an enclosed space like a car). Once you reach your destination you can get them back on tap water, but have some of the regular stuff on hand while you travel at least.
5. Really Check in With Your Accommodation Provider
You get pet-friendly accommodation, and then you get somewhat pet-friendly accommodation. Don’t make assumptions – get on the phone and have a chat with the proprietor of the venue you have in mind to tell them exactly how big and what breed your pet is, so you don’t run into any misunderstandings over what constitutes small, medium or large pets, for instance. This way there won’t be any surprises when you arrive with your furry friend.
There you have it – five important things to keep in mind when you hit the road with your pets in sunny SA. Keep an eye on the blog in the upcoming weeks and months for more insider tips on making the most of all your journeys with your Group1 Cars.