Questions To Ask Before Buying A Used Car
Ready to buy a used car from your local pre-owned dealership? The prospect of driving off in a fresh new ride is always exciting, but when it comes to a vehicle that has had prior owners, it’s important to establish a transparent rapport with the dealer in question before you make any firm commitments. The more questions you ask, the more likely the dealer is to give you a good deal, because you’ll seem informed regarding the process.
Here are some insider tips regarding the questions you have to ask before you sign that all-important offer to purchase:
How Long Has This Vehicle Been On Your Inventory?
If it’s been on the lot for more than two months, you have some room to negotiate on the price of the vehicle in question since dealers are subject to interest on used cars that spend more than two months on the dealership floor.
Are You Willing To Negotiate On The ‘On The Road’ Service Fees?
There is always a little padding in this department. See if you can get some relief on these rates by bringing it up with your dealer.
Can I Have a Firm Quote On My Trade-In Settlement?
Get the official number so you can make informed decisions while perusing the pre-owned vehicles on offer at the dealership you’ve chosen.
Can You Provide Accessory Options?
If you’ve been considering adding accessories like a vacation-friendly roof rack or useful Bluetooth functionality, ask your dealer whether there are accessory options available for the make and model you have in mind.
What Are The Value-Added Products Associated With Your Vehicle Finance?
Get clarity on the particulars of the warranties, insurance and optional features on offer.
TOP TIP: Don’t rush off the lot once you’ve purchased your vehicle. Take some time to go through the car with your dealer, who will likely be able to point out useful features you might have overlooked. See if you can meet the manager of the service department and get clarity on whom you should contact if your car breaks down. Also remember to ask where your jack points (and jack!) are located on your car.
Asking these 5 questions will provide you with invaluable information regarding the vehicle you have in mind. It will also give you a feel for how the used car dealership runs their operation, and whether you can trust them to have thoroughly vetted the pre-owned cars on their lot. In the meantime, keep an eye on the blog in coming weeks and months for more expert insight on purchasing pre-owned vehicles in Cape Town, Johannesburg, Durban, Bloemfontein and further afield. The more you know, the more savvy you’ll be when shopping for used cars, bakkies, sports utility vehicles and more.