A Few Tips On Avoiding Smash & Grabs During The Holidays
T’is the season to be jolly and happy holidaymakers are crowding onto South African roads to make their way to their vacation destinations. However, as the roads get busier, so to do the frequency of opportunistic crimes increase. Smash-and-grab incidents occur throughout the year, but it’s even more prevalent around the festive season. Fortunately, there are ways to safeguard your car and belongings.
Stash It, Don’t Flash It
Avoid keeping valuable items like a laptop bag and/or handbag on your front seat next to you. Rather lock it in the boot, or if you’d like to keep your handbag nearby, stash it under your seat so it does not invite attention.
Stay Alert At All Times
Slow-moving traffic zones have become a regular haunt of smash-and-grab thieves of late. Steer clear of the temptation to scroll through your newsfeed while you’re waiting; instead, keep an eye on your surroundings and stay alert of possible assailants.
Keep Your Vehicle Locked
This may seem a little obvious, but keep your windows rolled up and lock your car whenever you drive off so it’s not possible for a thief to jerk open a door when you stop.
Don’t Hang Around
Avoid spending a lot of time in your car after you’ve parked it. Rather head indoors and take care of your admin in a safe space than becoming a target in an isolated parking garage, etc.
Leave Room to Manoeuvre
Always leave enough space between your vehicle and the one in front of you so you can get away in case of an attempted smash-and-grab event. This is particularly important in slow-moving traffic.
Consider Safety Film Installation
Installing safety-film on your vehicle windows is another good way to safeguard your vehicle. It reinforces the glass and also tints it so that the interior of your car is less visible to passers-by.
There you have it – a few top tips to help you safeguard your vehicle and belongings this holiday. Keep an eye on the blog in the coming weeks and months for more insider info. In the meantime, feel free to get in touch with a member of the professional team at Group1 Cars if you would like to find out more about the cars we have on offer. Our branches throughout South Africa are standing by to provide you with all the assistance you need.